ASPIRE Mornings

At Shoreditch Park we believe that in order to expect positive and respectful communication, we need to model and provide opportunities for it within our school day. Our mornings are free flow and children independently come into their classes between 8.45 - 9.00. On their transition up the stairs support staff are present at each stairwell to greet children. Once they come into their room there will be music playing, fruit available, books to read, partner games to play and optional ASPIRE tasks to do. The tasks cover aspects of our SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) calendar such as Road Safety Week, Anti-Bullying Week and Children in Need. Teachers and support staff in the room play a crucial role. They engage with children, support children's excitement of learning for the day and tutor. This morning routine is fundamental to driving our ASPIRE ethos as it develops independence, positive communication and well-being of every child.