School Meals and Packed Lunches

School Meals and Menu

Shoreditch Park Primary School is partnered with Ashlyns to deliver our pupils healthy meals. We are committed to using locally sourced, organic food, where possible, and environmentally sound raw ingredients for our meals are cooked entirely on school premises.

Our catering team was successful at securing a 5 star Food Hygiene rating following inspections in 2018 and 2022.

Every day our pupils have access to our salad bar, alongside a meat, vegetarian or jacket potato dish. Daily dessert is freshly cut fruit or an organic yoghurt and, on set days, a cooked pudding.

The menus are designed in consultation with the School Council to give the children a voice in what is on offer. You can find the recipes for the meals we serve at Shoreditch Park on the Ashlyn's website.

Our menus are changed twice a year to reflect seasonality and meet nutritional standards.

Seasonal Menus 2023-24

Packed Lunches

We encourage parents to provide healthy well-balanced packed dinner/lunch.

Please see below for guidance about which foods we encourage and those that should be limited or not included:


  • Minimum of 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables everyday
  • Meat, poultry, fish and non-dairy protein e.g. pulses
  • Oily fish at least once every few weeks (e.g. sardines, salmon)
  • Starchy food such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes including wholegrain varieties
  • A dairy product milk, cheese and yoghurt
  • Water or milk (semi-skimmed or skimmed).


  • Meat products sausage rolls, pies, sausages etc
  • Cakes and biscuits to be enjoyed as part of a meal occasionally not as a snack
  • Fruit juice maximum 150mls per day
  • Salty snacks such as crisps

Do not include:

  • Nuts
  • Sweets and chocolate
  • Sugary soft drinks

For tips on creating healthy packed lunches please see:

If you are facing financial difficulties and are struggling to pay for school lunches or to create a healthy packed lunch please contact a member of the Inclusion Team.