Green Team

The Green Team are a group of pupils who are committed to making our school more environmentally friendly. They follow the eco-schools scheme of learning. Eco-Schools is a global programme engaging millions of children across 67 countries, making it the largest educational programme in the world. Eco-Schools has been empowering children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness.

This year the Green Team achieved the green flag award! This award is given to schools that are trying very hard to look after the environment. They will learn and teach others about sustainable development and global citizenship. Shoreditch Park primary will:

  • monitor our actions as a school and evaluate progress
  • Involve our whole school and wider community
  • And link the environment to our curriculum

The Green Team are making some changes to our school to help us to look after the planet. Here are some things we have planned for the year:

  • To compost all our food waste!
  • Ban single use plastic water bottles!
  • Ban single use plastic ketchup sachets.
  • Use scrap paper during our free time/wet play activities.

This will mean that as a school we will waste less food, trees and plastic! These ideas were generated by last year's green team, we hope to build on their work and continue learning even more about how to take care of our environment, just like Self-aware Samuel!

The Green Team will continue to support Calvin, our resident gardener, to grow plants and maintain our eco-friendly garden.

Article 29 (goals of education): Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.